Thought  STEM Language Learning Tactics
1 Disintegrating Code
2 Code Anatomy
3 Reverse Engineering
4 Building Up!
5 Code Carousel

ThoughtSTEM Language Learning Tactics

1 Disintegrating Code

Players write code from the whiteboard; each round more and more code disappears!
  • Chromebooks (1 per player)

  • Whiteboard and Markers

  • Challenge Card

  • Timer


Prep & Round 0
  1. Write the stimulus of [the-challenge-card] onto [the-whiteboard].

  2. Write the code of [the-challenge-card] onto [the-whiteboard].

  3. Set [the-timer] for as many minutes as there are lines of code.

  4. Tell [the-players] to type up the code from [the-whiteboard] onto [the-chromebooks].

Round 1
  1. Erase 2-4 identifiers from the code on [the-whiteboard].

  2. Tell [the-players] to erase all code from [the-chromebooks].

  3. Tell [the-players] to type up the code again, using their memory to fill in the blanks.

  • Repeat Round 1, erasing more code each time until you are left with only symbols; then erase those too.

  • Call in the coach when you and the rest of the players are ready for your kata challenge. Pass the challenge to earn your kata.

2 Code Anatomy

Label and define the different parts of the code, then use the labels as a guideline to rebuild the code as a team.
  • Chromebooks (1 per player)

  • Whiteboard and Markers

  • Challenge Card

  • Timer


Label & Define
  1. Write the code of [the-challenge-card] onto [the-whiteboard].

  2. Label and define the parts of the code with help from the players.

Fill In The Blanks
  1. Erase all code, leaving the labels, from [the-whiteboard].

  2. Tell [the-players] to write the code back in, working as a team.

  3. Repeat this phase until players have succeeded without help twice.

Final Quiz
  1. Erase all code again, leaving the labels, from [the-whiteboard].

  2. Set [the-timer] for as many minutes as there are lines of code.

  3. Tell [the-players] to type up the code independently from memory.

  4. Repeat this phase if needed.

  • Call in the coach when you and the rest of the players are ready for your kata challenge. Pass the challenge to earn your kata.

3 Reverse Engineering

Starting with the finished game, players evaluate the elements of the game and how to code it.
  • Master Chromebook (1 for the Tactics Master)

  • Player Chromebooks (1 per player)

  • Whiteboard and Markers

  • Challenge Card

  • Timer


Deconstruct The Game
  1. Type up the code of [the-challenge-card] onto [the-master-chromebook].

  2. Run the game and show it to the players, while hiding the code.

  3. Tell [the-players] to write a list of all the elements in the game onto [the-whiteboard].

  4. Tell [the-players] to mark any elements they don’t know or have forgotten how to code.

Match Elements To Code
  1. Give [the-challenge-card] to [the-players].

  2. Tell [the-players] to match each element on their list to the code that creates that element and to also add any missing elements to their list.

  3. Tell [the-players] to write any hints for the unknown elements onto [the-whiteboard].

  4. Take back [the-challenge-card].

Round 1
  1. Set [the-timer] for as many minutes as there are lines of code.

  2. Tell [the-players] to type the code using just the list with hints.

  3. Erase some hints from [the-whiteboard].

  4. Tell [the-players] to erase all code from [the-player-chromebooks].

  • Repeat Round 1 until no hints remain and the players succeed.

  • Call in the coach when you and the rest of the players are ready for your kata challenge. Pass the challenge to earn your kata.

4 Building Up!

Break down the process of building a more complex game into easy steps before coding it.
  • Chromebooks (1 per player)

  • Whiteboard/Paper

  • Whiteboard Markers/Pen

  • Challenge Card


Define The Process
  1. Read aloud the stimulus of [the-challenge-card].

  2. Lead a brainstorm with this prompt: "What should be the very first element to code?".


  3. Write the first step onto [the-whiteboard/paper].

  4. Write additional steps (until the resulting game would meet the stimulus) onto [the-whiteboard/paper].


Coding Step By Step
  • Tell [the-players] to type up the code using the step-by-step process. Test after each step and then write their initials next to the step on [the-whiteboard/paper].

  • Call in the coach when you and the rest of the players are ready for your kata challenge. Pass the challenge to earn your kata.

5 Code Carousel

Players pair up and try to code a game, while rotating computers every 45 seconds!
  • Chromebooks (1 per pair of players)

  • Whiteboard/Paper

  • Whiteboard Markers/Pen

  • Challenge Cards (3 that do not contradict)


Get Started
  1. Write the stimuli of [the-challenge-cards] onto [the-whiteboard/paper].

  2. Pair up all players. If there are an odd number of players, create a trio or a solo coder.

Round 1
  1. Tell [the-players] to code a game that fits all three stimuli, working together with their partner on one chromebook.

  2. Set [the-timer] for 45 seconds and start it as soon as the players start coding.

Rotate & Round 2
  1. Stop all players from coding as soon as the timer ends.

  2. Tell [the-players] to move to the chromebook to their right with their partner.

  3. Tell [the-players] to continue with the code on this new chromebook.

  4. Set [the-timer] for 45 seconds and start it as soon as the players start coding.

  1. Repeat Rotate & Round 2 until all chromebooks have a running game that fits the stimuli.

  2. Encourage players who have a completed game to add extra features until the round is over or the goal is achieved.

  • Call in the coach when you and the rest of the players are ready for your kata challenge. Pass the challenge to earn your kata.