On this page:
7.1 Clicker Special 006 Kata
7.2 Clicker Special 007 Kata
7.3 Clicker Special 008 Kata
7.4 Clicker Special 009 Kata

7 Bonus Katas

7.1 Clicker Special 006 Kata

Code a game with multiple levels: 1) where the cursor is a mewtwo collecting fire stones and sun stones, and is avoiding james; 2) where the cursor is a mewtwo collecting orange fire stones and speed 4 sun stones, and is avoiding speed 5 red james, and can get special ice powers.
#lang clicker-pokemon-special
  (fire-stone sun-stone)
  ((fire-stone orange) (sun-stone 4))
  ((james 5 red))
In Ratchet:

7.2 Clicker Special 007 Kata

Code a game with multiple levels: 1) where the cursor is a venasaur collecting fire stones, and is avoiding speed 1 trainer girls; 2) where the cursor is a venasaur collecting speed 3 green sun stones, and is avoiding speed 3 red blastoises, and can get special light powers; 3) where the cursor is a venasaur collecting speed 5 fire stones, and is avoiding speed 5 blastoises and speed 5 trainer girls, and can get special 300-point sun stones.
#lang clicker-pokemon-special
  ((trainer-girl 1)))
  ((sun-stone 3 green))
  ((blastoise 3 red))
  ((fire-stone 5))
  ((blastoise 5) (trainer-girl 5))
  ((sun-stone 300)))
In Ratchet:

7.3 Clicker Special 008 Kata

Code a game with multiple levels: 1) where the cursor is a fire stone collecting venasaurs and charizards, and is avoiding pokeballs, and can get special ice powers; 2) where the cursor is a fire stone collecting speed 5 yellow venasaurs, and is avoiding speed 5 red james and speed 5 red trainer girls, and can get special turtle powers and 300-point charizards.
#lang clicker-pokemon-special
  (venasaur charizard)
  ((venasaur 5 yellow))
  ((james 5 red) (trainer-girl 5 red))
  (turtle-power (charizard 300)))
In Ratchet:

7.4 Clicker Special 009 Kata

Code a game with multiple levels: 1) where the cursor is a venasaur collecting speed 1 blue fire stones, and is avoiding trainer girls, and can get special light powers; 2) where the cursor is a charizard collecting speed 3 purple fire stones, and is avoiding speed 3 james and speed 3 trainer girls, and can get special turtle powers and 5-point light powers; 3) where the cursor is an orange blastoise collecting speed 5 fire stones, and is avoiding speed 5 james, speed 5 pokeballs, and speed 5 trainer girls, and can get special ice powers, light powers, and 500-point sun stones.
#lang clicker-pokemon-special
  ((fire-stone 1 blue))
  ((fire-stone 3 purple))
  ((james 3) (trainer-girl 3))
  (turtle-power (light-power 5)))
  (blastoise orange)
  ((fire-stone 5))
  ((james 5) (pokeball 5) (trainer-girl 5))
  (ice-power light-power (sun-stone 500)))
In Ratchet: