5 Docs
(make-entity [ s #:scale scale #:font-size f-size #:font-face f-face #:font-family f-family #:font-style f-style #:font-weight f-weight #:color color #:underlined? underlined? #:position pos #:direction dir #:speed spd]) → any/c s : any/c = "[META-SPRITE]" scale : number? = 1 f-size : positive? = 13 f-face : any/c = MONOSPACE-FONT-FACE f-family : symbol? = 'modern f-style : symbol? = 'normal f-weight : symbol? = 'normal color : (or/c symbol? object? string?) = 'yellow underlined? : boolean? = #f pos : any/c = (posn 400 300) dir : number? = 0 spd : positive? = 0
Function to make an independent entity.
(story-cutscene [ #:width w #:height h] rest ...) → any/c w : positive? = 800 h : positive? = 600 rest : any/c
The top-level function for the cutscene language.
Can be run with no parameters to get a basic, default cutscene.
(make-text [ str #:scale scale #:font-size f-size #:font-face f-face #:font-family f-family #:font-style f-style #:font-weight f-weight #:color color #:underlined? underlined?]) → any/c str : string? = "META-TEXT" scale : number? = 1 f-size : number? = 13 f-face : any/c = MONOSPACE-FONT-FACE f-family : symbol? = 'modern f-style : symbol? = 'normal f-weight : symbol? = 'normal color : (or/c symbol? object? string?) = 'yellow underlined? : boolean? = #f
Function to make text.
(page [ #:width w #:height h #:position p #:relative-position rp #:bg bg #:bg-color bg-color #:border-color border-color #:duration dur #:line-padding line-padding #:mode mode #:scroll-speed spd] items ...) → any/c w : (or/c positive? boolean?) = #f h : (or/c positive? boolean?) = #f p : any/c = #f rp : any/c = #f bg : any/c = #f bg-color : (or/c symbol? object? string?) = (color 50 50 50) border-color : (or/c symbol? object? string?) = 'white dur : (or/c positive? boolean?) = #f line-padding : positive? = 4 mode : symbol? = 'still spd : positive? = 100 items : any/c
Function to create pages.