1 Coding Fundamentals
1.1 Func Defs
Define a function named foo that returns the number 42. Call it after you define it.
#lang fundamentals (define (foo) 42) (foo)
1.2 Func Defs
Define a function named double that takes a number and multiplies it by 2. Call double on the number 756. Call double twice on the number 422.
#lang fundamentals (define (double x) (* 2 x)) (double 756) (double (double 422))
1.3 Func Defs
Define a function named end-of-string that takes a string and returns everything except the first character. Call the function on your full name.
#lang fundamentals (define (end-of-string x) (substring x 1)) (end-of-string "Albert Einstein")
1.4 Func Defs
Define a function named small-circle that takes a symbol and returns a small circle of that color. Call that function to produce an orange circle.
#lang fundamentals (define (small-circle color) (circle 40 'solid color)) (small-circle 'orange)
1.5 Func Defs
Define a function named random-circle that takes a symbol and returns a randomly sized circle of that color. Call that function five times to produce five different colored circle of various sizes.
#lang fundamentals (define (random-circle color) (circle (add1 (random 100)) 'solid color)) (random-circle 'red) (random-circle 'orange) (random-circle 'yellow) (random-circle 'green) (random-circle 'blue)
1.6 Func Defs
Define a function named add-1-and-square that takes a number, adds 1 to it, and squares it. Call it on two positive numbers and two negative numbers of your choice.
#lang fundamentals (define (add-1-and-square x) (sqr (add1 x))) (add-1-and-square -1) (add-1-and-square -5) (add-1-and-square 22) (add-1-and-square 41)
1.7 Func Defs
Define a function called is-cool that takes two strings and puts them together with a space in between and the string "is cool" at the end. Call it on your own name and the names of two other people’s names.
#lang fundamentals (define (is-cool a b) (string-append a " " b " is cool")) (is-cool "Stephen" "Foster") (is-cool "Ada" "Lovelace") (is-cool "Alan" "Turing")
1.8 Func Defs
Define a function called repeat-3 that takes one string and returns that string repeated 3 times with spaces in between. Call it on a string of your choice. Call it twice on a different string to make it repeat 9 times.
#lang fundamentals (define (repeat-3 s) (string-append s " " s " " s)) (repeat-3 "Stephen") (repeat-3 (repeat-3 "¡Hola!"))
1.9 Func Defs
Define a function called yes-no that takes a boolean and returns the string "yes" when the boolean is true and "no" when it is false. Call it on both true and false.
#lang fundamentals (define (yes-no b) (if b "yes" "no")) (yes-no #t) (yes-no #f)
1.10 Func Defs
Define a function called red-green which takes a boolean and returns a green circle or a red circle depending on if the boolean is true or false. Call it on both true and false.
#lang fundamentals (define (red-green b) (if b (circle 40 'solid 'green) (circle 40 'solid 'red))) (red-green #t) (red-green #f)
1.11 Func Defs
Define a function called circle-star which takes a boolean and returns either a circle or a star depending on the value of the boolean. Call it on both true and false.
#lang fundamentals (define (circle-star b) (if b (circle 40 'solid 'green) (star 40 'solid 'green))) (circle-star #t) (circle-star #f)
1.12 Func Defs
Define a function called colored-circle-triangle that takes a boolean and a string. The boolean should control whether the function returns a circle or a triangle, the color string should determine the color of the shape. Call several times to produce 3 circles and two triangles, all of different colors.
#lang fundamentals (define (colored-circle-triangle b color) (if b (circle 40 'solid color) (triangle 40 'solid color))) (colored-circle-triangle #t "red") (colored-circle-triangle #t "orange") (colored-circle-triangle #t "yellow") (colored-circle-triangle #f "green") (colored-circle-triangle #f "blue") (colored-circle-triangle #f "purple")
1.13 Func Defs
Define a function called sum-or-diff that takes two numbers and a boolean. If the boolean is true, the function should return the sum of the two numbers. Otherwise, it should return the difference. Call it 5 times on a variety of inputs.
#lang fundamentals (define (sum-or-diff b x y) (if b (+ x y) (- x y))) (sum-or-diff #t 2 2) (sum-or-diff #f 2 2) (sum-or-diff #t 100 300) (sum-or-diff #f 100 300) (sum-or-diff #f 71 -11)
1.14 Func Defs
Define a function called max-or-min that takes two numbers and a boolean. If the boolean is true, the function should return the greater of the two numbers. Otherwise, it should return the lesser. Call it 5 times on a variety of inputs.
#lang fundamentals (define (max-or-min b x y) (if b (max x y) (min x y))) (max-or-min #t 2 2) (max-or-min #f 2 2) (max-or-min #t 100 300) (max-or-min #f 100 300) (max-or-min #f 71 -11)
1.15 Func Defs
Define a function called magic-14 that takes a number. If the number is 14, it should return a blue circle. For any other number, it should return a red square. Call it twice to produce both a blue circle and a red square.
#lang fundamentals (define (magic-14 n) (if (= 14 n) (circle 40 'solid 'blue) (square 40 'solid 'red))) (magic-14 10) (magic-14 14)
1.16 Func Defs
Define a function called magic-22/45 that takes a number. If the number is 22 or 45, it should return a purple star. For any other number, it should return a red square. Call it twice to produce both a purple star and a red square.
#lang fundamentals (define (magic-22/45 n) (if (or (= 22 n) (= 45 n)) (star 40 'solid 'purple) (square 40 'solid 'red))) (magic-22/45 22) (magic-22/45 10)