3d Orbit
(orbit-scene [ #:fly-speed speed #:fly-mode? fly-mode #:start-position start #:universe universe #:star star #:objects-list objects] more-objects ...) → any/c speed : positive? = 750 fly-mode : boolean? = #t start : position-attribute? = (position 0 1.6 30) universe : (listof entity?) = (basic-universe) star : entity? = '() objects : list? = '() more-objects : any/c
The top-level function for the 3d-orbit language.
Can be run with no parameters to get a basic, default orbit.
(basic-universe [ #:universe-color bg-color #:star-color star-color #:star-count count #:star-depth dep #:star-radius rad #:star-size size #:star-texture texture]) → (listof entity?) bg-color : (or/c string? symbol? object?) = 'black star-color : (or/c string? symbol? object?) = 'white count : real? = 10000 dep : real? = 250 rad : real? = 250 size : real? = 1.0 texture : any/c = ""
Basic Universe
(basic-star [ #:position pos #:rotation rota #:scale sca #:color col #:texture texture #:radius r #:light-distance ld #:opacity opac #:show-orbits? orbits? #:label l #:label-color lc #:label-position lp #:label-scale ls #:animations-list animations-list #:planets-list p-list #:on-mouse-enter mouse-enter #:on-mouse-leave mouse-leave #:on-mouse-click mouse-click #:objects-list c-list]) → entity? pos : object? = (position 0 0 0) rota : object? = (rotation 0.0 0.0 0.0) sca : (or/c number? object?) = (scale 1.0 1.0 1.0) col : (or/c string? symbol? object?) = (color 255 255 255)
texture : any/c =
(first (shuffle (list (tint-img 'brown sun-tex) (tint-img 'red sun-tex) (tint-img 'darkred sun-tex) (tint-img 'lightred sun-tex) (tint-img 'orange sun-tex) (tint-img 'darkorange sun-tex) (tint-img 'lightorange sun-tex) (tint-img 'yellow sun-tex) (tint-img 'darkyellow sun-tex) (tint-img 'lightyellow sun-tex) (tint-img 'salmon sun-tex) (tint-img 'purple sun-tex) (tint-img 'white sun-tex) sun-tex))) r : real? = (random 8 15) ld : real? = (* r 35.0) opac : between-0-1-inclusive? = 1.0 orbits? : boolean? = #f l : (or/c boolean? string?) = #f lc : (or/c string? symbol? object?) = 'white lp : object? = (position 0 r 0) ls : (or/c number? object?) = (scale (* 2 r) (* 2 r) 1)
animations-list : (or/c empty? (listof object?)) = (do-many (y-rotation)) p-list : (or/c empty? (listof entity?)) = '() mouse-enter : (or/c #f (listof object?)) = #f mouse-leave : (or/c #f (listof object?)) = #f mouse-click : (or/c #f (listof object?)) = #f c-list : (or/c empty? (listof entity?)) = '()
Basic Star.
(basic-ring [ #:tilt tilt #:radius rad #:thickness rt #:opacity opa #:color c #:texture texture #:shader sha]) → entity? tilt : object? = (tilt 0 0 0) rad : real? = (random-float 0.25 1.5 #:factor 100) rt : real? = (random-float 0.2 2.0 #:factor 1000)
opa : between-0-1-inclusive? = (random-float 0.25 1.0 #:factor 100) c : (or/c #f string? symbol? object?) = #f texture : any/c = #f sha : string? = "standard"
Basic Ring.
(basic-planet [ #:position pos #:rotation rota #:scale sca #:color col #:texture texture #:radius r #:opacity opac #:rings-list r-list #:moons-list m-list #:label l #:label-color lc #:label-position lp #:label-scale ls #:show-orbits? orbits? #:animations-list animations-list #:on-mouse-enter mouse-enter #:on-mouse-leave mouse-leave #:on-mouse-click mouse-click #:objects-list c-list]) → entity?
pos : object? = (position (random-range 25 75) 0 (random-range 25 75)) rota : object? = (rotation 0.0 0.0 0.0) sca : (or/c number? object?) = (scale 1.0 1.0 1.0) col : (or/c string? symbol? object?) = (color 255 255 255)
texture : any/c =
(first (shuffle (list mercury-tex venus-tex earth-tex earthnight-tex mars-tex jupiter-tex saturn-tex uranus-tex neptune-tex))) r : real? = (random 1 5) opac : between-0-1-inclusive? = 1.0 r-list : (or/c empty? (listof entity?)) = '() m-list : (or/c empty? (listof entity?)) = '() l : (or/c boolean? string?) = #f lc : (or/c string? symbol? object?) = 'white lp : object? = (position 0 r 0) ls : (or/c number? object?) = (scale (* 2 r) (* 2 r) 1) orbits? : boolean? = #f
animations-list : (or/c empty? (listof object?)) = (do-many (x-rotation)) mouse-enter : (or/c #f (listof object?)) = #f mouse-leave : (or/c #f (listof object?)) = #f mouse-click : (or/c #f (listof object?)) = #f c-list : (or/c empty? (listof entity?)) = '()
Basic Planet.
(basic-moon [ #:position pos #:rotation rota #:scale sca #:color col #:texture texture #:radius r #:opacity opac #:label l #:label-color lc #:label-position lp #:label-scale ls #:animations-list animations-list #:on-mouse-enter mouse-enter #:on-mouse-leave mouse-leave #:on-mouse-click mouse-click #:objects-list c-list]) → entity?
pos : object? = (position 0 (random-range 7 12) (random-range 7 12)) rota : object? = (rotation 0.0 0.0 0.0) sca : (or/c number? object?) = (scale 1.0 1.0 1.0) col : (or/c string? symbol? object?) = (color 255 255 255) texture : any/c = moon-tex r : real? = (random-float 0.25 0.75 #:factor 100) opac : between-0-1-inclusive? = 1.0 l : (or/c boolean? string?) = #f lc : (or/c string? symbol? object?) = 'white lp : object? = (position 0 r 0) ls : (or/c number? object?) = (scale (* 2 r) (* 2 r) 1)
animations-list : (or/c empty? (listof object?)) = (do-many (y-rotation)) mouse-enter : (or/c #f (listof object?)) = #f mouse-leave : (or/c #f (listof object?)) = #f mouse-click : (or/c #f (listof object?)) = #f c-list : (or/c empty? (listof entity?)) = '()
Basic Moon.
(basic-asteroid [ #:position pos #:rotation rota #:scale sca #:color col #:texture texture #:radius r #:opacity opac #:label l #:label-color lc #:label-position lp #:label-scale ls #:animations-list animations-list #:on-mouse-enter mouse-enter #:on-mouse-leave mouse-leave #:on-mouse-click mouse-click #:objects-list c-list]) → entity?
pos : object? = (position 0 (random-range 7 12) (random-range 7 12)) rota : object? = (rotation 0.0 0.0 0.0) sca : (or/c number? object?) = (scale 1.0 1.0 1.0) col : (or/c string? symbol? object?) = (color 255 255 255)
texture : any/c =
(first (shuffle (list (tint-img 'brown asteroid-tex) (tint-img 'black asteroid-tex) (tint-img 'grey asteroid-tex) (tint-img 'white asteroid-tex) asteroid-tex))) r : real? = (random-float 0.1 0.3 #:factor 100) opac : between-0-1-inclusive? = 1.0 l : (or/c boolean? string?) = #f lc : (or/c string? symbol? object?) = 'white lp : object? = (position 0 r 0) ls : (or/c number? object?) = (scale (* 2 r) (* 2 r) 1)
animations-list : (or/c empty? (listof object?)) = (do-many (y-rotation)) mouse-enter : (or/c #f (listof object?)) = #f mouse-leave : (or/c #f (listof object?)) = #f mouse-click : (or/c #f (listof object?)) = #f c-list : (or/c empty? (listof entity?)) = '()
Basic Asteroid.
(star-sun [ #:position pos #:rotation rota #:scale sca #:color col #:texture texture #:radius r #:light-distance ld #:opacity opac #:show-orbits? orbits? #:label l #:label-color lc #:label-position lp #:label-scale ls #:animations-list animations-list #:planets-list p-list #:on-mouse-enter mouse-enter #:on-mouse-leave mouse-leave #:on-mouse-click mouse-click #:objects-list c-list]) → entity? pos : object? = (position 0 0 -250) rota : object? = (rotation 0.0 0.0 0.0) sca : (or/c number? object?) = (scale 1.0 1.0 1.0) col : (or/c string? symbol? object?) = (color 255 255 255) texture : any/c = sun-tex r : real? = 109 ld : real? = (* r 35.0) opac : between-0-1-inclusive? = 1.0 orbits? : boolean? = #f l : (or/c boolean? string?) = "Sun" lc : (or/c string? symbol? object?) = 'white lp : object? = (position 0 r 0) ls : (or/c number? object?) = (scale (* 2 r) (* 2 r) 1)
animations-list : (or/c empty? (listof object?)) = (do-many (y-rotation)) p-list : (or/c empty? (listof entity?)) = '() mouse-enter : (or/c #f (listof object?)) = #f mouse-leave : (or/c #f (listof object?)) = #f mouse-click : (or/c #f (listof object?)) = #f c-list : (or/c empty? (listof entity?)) = '()
Star Sun.
(planet-mercury [ #:position pos #:rotation rota #:scale sca #:color col #:texture texture #:radius r #:opacity opac #:rings-list r-list #:moons-list m-list #:label l #:label-color lc #:label-position lp #:label-scale ls #:show-orbits? orbits? #:animations-list animations-list #:on-mouse-enter mouse-enter #:on-mouse-leave mouse-leave #:on-mouse-click mouse-click #:objects-list c-list]) → entity? pos : object? = (position 0 0 2) rota : object? = (rotation 0.0 0.0 0.0) sca : (or/c number? object?) = (scale 1.0 1.0 1.0) col : (or/c string? symbol? object?) = (color 255 255 255) texture : any/c = mercury-tex r : real? = 0.38 opac : between-0-1-inclusive? = 1.0 r-list : (or/c empty? (listof entity?)) = '() m-list : (or/c empty? (listof entity?)) = '() l : (or/c boolean? string?) = "Mercury" lc : (or/c string? symbol? object?) = 'white lp : object? = (position 0 r 0) ls : (or/c number? object?) = (scale (* 2 r) (* 2 r) 1) orbits? : boolean? = #f
animations-list : (or/c empty? (listof object?)) = (do-many (x-rotation)) mouse-enter : (or/c #f (listof object?)) = #f mouse-leave : (or/c #f (listof object?)) = #f mouse-click : (or/c #f (listof object?)) = #f c-list : (or/c empty? (listof entity?)) = '()
Planet Mercury.
(planet-venus [ #:position pos #:rotation rota #:scale sca #:color col #:texture texture #:radius r #:opacity opac #:rings-list r-list #:moons-list m-list #:label l #:label-color lc #:label-position lp #:label-scale ls #:show-orbits? orbits? #:animations-list animations-list #:on-mouse-enter mouse-enter #:on-mouse-leave mouse-leave #:on-mouse-click mouse-click #:objects-list c-list]) → entity? pos : object? = (position 0 0 3) rota : object? = (rotation 0.0 0.0 0.0) sca : (or/c number? object?) = (scale 1.0 1.0 1.0) col : (or/c string? symbol? object?) = (color 255 255 255) texture : any/c = venus-tex r : real? = 0.95 opac : between-0-1-inclusive? = 1.0 r-list : (or/c empty? (listof entity?)) = '() m-list : (or/c empty? (listof entity?)) = '() l : (or/c boolean? string?) = "Venus" lc : (or/c string? symbol? object?) = 'white lp : object? = (position 0 r 0) ls : (or/c number? object?) = (scale (* 2 r) (* 2 r) 1) orbits? : boolean? = #f
animations-list : (or/c empty? (listof object?)) = (do-many (x-rotation)) mouse-enter : (or/c #f (listof object?)) = #f mouse-leave : (or/c #f (listof object?)) = #f mouse-click : (or/c #f (listof object?)) = #f c-list : (or/c empty? (listof entity?)) = '()
Planet Venus.
(planet-earth [ #:position pos #:rotation rota #:scale sca #:color col #:texture texture #:radius r #:opacity opac #:rings-list r-list #:moons-list m-list #:label l #:label-color lc #:label-position lp #:label-scale ls #:show-orbits? orbits? #:animations-list animations-list #:on-mouse-enter mouse-enter #:on-mouse-leave mouse-leave #:on-mouse-click mouse-click #:objects-list c-list]) → entity? pos : object? = (position 0 0 3) rota : object? = (rotation 0.0 0.0 0.0) sca : (or/c number? object?) = (scale 1.0 1.0 1.0) col : (or/c string? symbol? object?) = (color 255 255 255) texture : any/c = earth-tex r : real? = 1 opac : between-0-1-inclusive? = 1.0 r-list : (or/c empty? (listof entity?)) = '() m-list : (or/c empty? (listof entity?)) = '() l : (or/c boolean? string?) = "Earth" lc : (or/c string? symbol? object?) = 'white lp : object? = (position 0 r 0) ls : (or/c number? object?) = (scale (* 2 r) (* 2 r) 1) orbits? : boolean? = #f
animations-list : (or/c empty? (listof object?)) = (do-many (x-rotation)) mouse-enter : (or/c #f (listof object?)) = #f mouse-leave : (or/c #f (listof object?)) = #f mouse-click : (or/c #f (listof object?)) = #f c-list : (or/c empty? (listof entity?)) = '()
Planet Earth.
(moon-moon [ #:position pos #:rotation rota #:scale sca #:color col #:texture texture #:radius r #:opacity opac #:label l #:label-color lc #:label-position lp #:label-scale ls #:animations-list animations-list #:on-mouse-enter mouse-enter #:on-mouse-leave mouse-leave #:on-mouse-click mouse-click #:objects-list c-list]) → entity? pos : object? = (position 0 0 2) rota : object? = (rotation 0.0 0.0 0.0) sca : (or/c number? object?) = (scale 1.0 1.0 1.0) col : (or/c string? symbol? object?) = (color 255 255 255) texture : any/c = moon-tex r : real? = 0.27 opac : between-0-1-inclusive? = 1.0 l : (or/c boolean? string?) = "Moon" lc : (or/c string? symbol? object?) = 'white lp : object? = (position 0 r 0) ls : (or/c number? object?) = (scale (* 2 r) (* 2 r) 1)
animations-list : (or/c empty? (listof object?)) = (do-many (y-rotation)) mouse-enter : (or/c #f (listof object?)) = #f mouse-leave : (or/c #f (listof object?)) = #f mouse-click : (or/c #f (listof object?)) = #f c-list : (or/c empty? (listof entity?)) = '()
Basic Moon.
(planet-mars [ #:position pos #:rotation rota #:scale sca #:color col #:texture texture #:radius r #:opacity opac #:rings-list r-list #:moons-list m-list #:label l #:label-color lc #:label-position lp #:label-scale ls #:show-orbits? orbits? #:animations-list animations-list #:on-mouse-enter mouse-enter #:on-mouse-leave mouse-leave #:on-mouse-click mouse-click #:objects-list c-list]) → entity? pos : object? = (position 0 0 3) rota : object? = (rotation 0.0 0.0 0.0) sca : (or/c number? object?) = (scale 1.0 1.0 1.0) col : (or/c string? symbol? object?) = (color 255 255 255) texture : any/c = mars-tex r : real? = 0.53 opac : between-0-1-inclusive? = 1.0 r-list : (or/c empty? (listof entity?)) = '() m-list : (or/c empty? (listof entity?)) = '() l : (or/c boolean? string?) = "Mars" lc : (or/c string? symbol? object?) = 'white lp : object? = (position 0 r 0) ls : (or/c number? object?) = (scale (* 2 r) (* 2 r) 10) orbits? : boolean? = #f
animations-list : (or/c empty? (listof object?)) = (do-many (x-rotation)) mouse-enter : (or/c #f (listof object?)) = #f mouse-leave : (or/c #f (listof object?)) = #f mouse-click : (or/c #f (listof object?)) = #f c-list : (or/c empty? (listof entity?)) = '()
Planet Mars.
(planet-jupiter [ #:position pos #:rotation rota #:scale sca #:color col #:texture texture #:radius r #:opacity opac #:rings-list r-list #:moons-list m-list #:label l #:label-color lc #:label-position lp #:label-scale ls #:show-orbits? orbits? #:animations-list animations-list #:on-mouse-enter mouse-enter #:on-mouse-leave mouse-leave #:on-mouse-click mouse-click #:objects-list c-list]) → entity? pos : object? = (position 0 0 23) rota : object? = (rotation 0.0 0.0 0.0) sca : (or/c number? object?) = (scale 1.0 1.0 1.0) col : (or/c string? symbol? object?) = (color 255 255 255) texture : any/c = jupiter-tex r : real? = 11.19 opac : between-0-1-inclusive? = 1.0 r-list : (or/c empty? (listof entity?)) = '() m-list : (or/c empty? (listof entity?)) = '() l : (or/c boolean? string?) = "Jupiter" lc : (or/c string? symbol? object?) = 'white lp : object? = (position 0 r 0) ls : (or/c number? object?) = (scale (* 2 r) (* 2 r) 1) orbits? : boolean? = #f
animations-list : (or/c empty? (listof object?)) = (do-many (x-rotation)) mouse-enter : (or/c #f (listof object?)) = #f mouse-leave : (or/c #f (listof object?)) = #f mouse-click : (or/c #f (listof object?)) = #f c-list : (or/c empty? (listof entity?)) = '()
Planet Jupiter.
(planet-saturn [ #:position pos #:rotation rota #:scale sca #:color col #:texture texture #:radius r #:opacity opac #:rings-list r-list #:moons-list m-list #:label l #:label-color lc #:label-position lp #:label-scale ls #:show-orbits? orbits? #:animations-list animations-list #:on-mouse-enter mouse-enter #:on-mouse-leave mouse-leave #:on-mouse-click mouse-click #:objects-list c-list]) → entity? pos : object? = (position 0 0 21) rota : object? = (rotation 0.0 0.0 0.0) sca : (or/c number? object?) = (scale 1.0 1.0 1.0) col : (or/c string? symbol? object?) = (color 255 255 255) texture : any/c = saturn-tex r : real? = 9.4 opac : between-0-1-inclusive? = 1.0
r-list : (or/c empty? (listof entity?)) =
(list (basic-ring #:tilt (tilt 45 90 0) #:opacity 0.8 #:texture saturnring-tex #:radius (- (* r 1.55) r) #:thickness (* r 0.9))) m-list : (or/c empty? (listof entity?)) = '() l : (or/c boolean? string?) = "Saturn" lc : (or/c string? symbol? object?) = 'white lp : object? = (position 0 r 0) ls : (or/c number? object?) = (scale (* 2 r) (* 2 r) 1) orbits? : boolean? = #f
animations-list : (or/c empty? (listof object?)) = (do-many (x-rotation)) mouse-enter : (or/c #f (listof object?)) = #f mouse-leave : (or/c #f (listof object?)) = #f mouse-click : (or/c #f (listof object?)) = #f c-list : (or/c empty? (listof entity?)) = '()
Planet Saturn.
(planet-uranus [ #:position pos #:rotation rota #:scale sca #:color col #:texture texture #:radius r #:opacity opac #:rings-list r-list #:moons-list m-list #:label l #:label-color lc #:label-position lp #:label-scale ls #:show-orbits? orbits? #:animations-list animations-list #:on-mouse-enter mouse-enter #:on-mouse-leave mouse-leave #:on-mouse-click mouse-click #:objects-list c-list]) → entity? pos : object? = (position 0 0 9) rota : object? = (rotation 0.0 0.0 0.0) sca : (or/c number? object?) = (scale 1.0 1.0 1.0) col : (or/c string? symbol? object?) = (color 255 255 255) texture : any/c = uranus-tex r : real? = 4.04 opac : between-0-1-inclusive? = 1.0 r-list : (or/c empty? (listof entity?)) = '() m-list : (or/c empty? (listof entity?)) = '() l : (or/c boolean? string?) = "Uranus" lc : (or/c string? symbol? object?) = 'white lp : object? = (position 0 r 0) ls : (or/c number? object?) = (scale (* 2 r) (* 2 r) 1) orbits? : boolean? = #f
animations-list : (or/c empty? (listof object?)) = (do-many (x-rotation)) mouse-enter : (or/c #f (listof object?)) = #f mouse-leave : (or/c #f (listof object?)) = #f mouse-click : (or/c #f (listof object?)) = #f c-list : (or/c empty? (listof entity?)) = '()
Planet Uranus.
(planet-neptune [ #:position pos #:rotation rota #:scale sca #:color col #:texture texture #:radius r #:opacity opac #:rings-list r-list #:moons-list m-list #:label l #:label-color lc #:label-position lp #:label-scale ls #:show-orbits? orbits? #:animations-list animations-list #:on-mouse-enter mouse-enter #:on-mouse-leave mouse-leave #:on-mouse-click mouse-click #:objects-list c-list]) → entity? pos : object? = (position 0 0 9) rota : object? = (rotation 0.0 0.0 0.0) sca : (or/c number? object?) = (scale 1.0 1.0 1.0) col : (or/c string? symbol? object?) = (color 255 255 255) texture : any/c = neptune-tex r : real? = 3.88 opac : between-0-1-inclusive? = 1.0 r-list : (or/c empty? (listof entity?)) = '() m-list : (or/c empty? (listof entity?)) = '() l : (or/c boolean? string?) = "Neptune" lc : (or/c string? symbol? object?) = 'white lp : object? = (position 0 r 0) ls : (or/c number? object?) = (scale (* 2 r) (* 2 r) 1) orbits? : boolean? = #f
animations-list : (or/c empty? (listof object?)) = (do-many (x-rotation)) mouse-enter : (or/c #f (listof object?)) = #f mouse-leave : (or/c #f (listof object?)) = #f mouse-click : (or/c #f (listof object?)) = #f c-list : (or/c empty? (listof entity?)) = '()
Planet Neptune.