On this page:
6.1 Review
6.2 Brainstorm
6.3 Code!
6.4 Show and Tell

6 Session End Art Jam!

As with any kata-based curriculum, the final class is a challenging "jam" that tests and celebrates the skills students have learned over the session. With Fundamentals, we have an Art Jam where they use their creativity, plus the 2htdp/image skills they have learned.

Here are the 4 parts of an Art Jam. Adjust timing of each section to fit within the hour and support your students towards success:

6.1 Review

Take some time to briefly review the skills you have learned this session.

6.2 Brainstorm

Students have a short but reasonable amount of time to come up with a picture they can make with the shapes and combos they have learned. A theme can help students focus and find something quickly!

Tip:If you have access to scrap paper and pencils, the students can actually draw out their ideas!

Encourage students to:
  • think simple!

  • think relationships – how will this shape combine with this one?

  • start thinking code even while designing

WARNING: You don’t want to have students plan an amazing elaborate picture only to end up frustrated when they can’t even code a fraction of it. Giving examples (trees! houses! smiley faces! snowman!), a simple theme can help or limiting the number of shapes they can use can help.

6.3 Code!

The majority of the class is spent coding! Keep the energy positive, encourage students to help each other, and be a supportive guide throughout the process.

Encourage student to:
  • Break it down into the smallest combos first.

  • Keep thinking simple!

  • Celebrate any success, even if they don’t finish.

6.4 Show and Tell

In the last few minutes, "open the museum" and let students see each other’s work! You can also delay cleanup so parents can have a chance to see work, if possible!




Any success is a success worth celebrating!