Fundamentals for In-School Programs
This collection is based on our ts-fundamentals kata collection. Running this program is a little different than running a kata-based curriculum in an after school program. Here are some tips:
Like any ThoughtSTEM curriculum, fun is a pivotal part of running a successful program! However, in an in-school program, we are unable to supply many of the physical objects of our typical gamification (no tokens, TSD, market, etc).
So it’s up to you, coach! Find the fun in success, of earning katas especially – create rituals, mini celebrations, and just plain excitement when challenges are approached and overcome. For example:
High fives!
Silly victory dances – done by students or by you??
Everyone counting down to the start of a timed kata challenge
Be creative, silly and FUN!
Kata Memorization
Depending on how often we run your in-school program, you likely will have to shift away from the emphasis on pure memorization of the code over time. Building a large repertoire of code concepts that can be acccessed without hints may not be possible with a two week plus break between classes.
Adjust the focus to memorization for that day, teamwork and team knowledge, and general understanding of the code tnat can last over time. The hope is that by the end of the course, students will be able to create simple shapes from memory, and more complex shapes with some guidance, hints and reminders.
Don’t Forget...
Though there are a few differences between in-school programs and ASPs, it is important to keep the key themes of kata-based programming including:
The exciting, challenging aspects of Katas – especially using time limits.
Core Values