On this page:
4.1 Moon And Ring 1 Kata (difficulty = 2)
4.2 Moon And Ring 2 Kata (difficulty = 3)
4.3 Moon And Ring 3 Kata (difficulty = 4)
4.4 Moon And Ring 4 Kata (difficulty = 2)
4.5 Moon And Ring 5 Kata (difficulty = 3)

4 Moon And Ring Katas

4.1 Moon And Ring 1 Kata (difficulty = 2)

Code an orbit scene with a star center and a planet with a moon.
#lang 3d-orbit
(define planet-with-moon
    #:moons-list (list (basic-moon))))
  #:star (basic-star
   #:planets-list (list planet-with-moon)))

4.2 Moon And Ring 2 Kata (difficulty = 3)

Tip: When the show-orbits? keyword is set to #t it will add orbit tracks to the objects.
Code an orbit scene with two moons, a planet, and a star. The moons and the planet should have a visible orbit path.
#lang 3d-orbit
(define my-moons
   (list (basic-moon) (basic-moon)))
(define the-planet
    #:show-orbits? #t
    #:moons-list my-moons))
  #:star (basic-star
   #:show-orbits? #t
   #:planets-list (list the-planet)))

4.3 Moon And Ring 3 Kata (difficulty = 4)

Tip: You can pass multiple changes to the on-mouse-enter and on-mouse-leave keywords using do-many.
Code an orbit scene with a star center and a planet with two moons. Show the orbit paths for the moons and planet.
#lang 3d-orbit
(define my-moons
    (basic-moon #:texture sun-tex #:scale 2)
     #:label "This moon grows!"
     #:on-mouse-enter (do-many (scale 2))
     #:on-mouse-leave (do-many (scale 1)))))
  #:star (basic-star
   #:animations-list '()
   #:planets-list (list (basic-planet #:moons-list my-moons))))

4.4 Moon And Ring 4 Kata (difficulty = 2)

Tip: The default radius for the basic ring is a random number between 0.25 and 1.5 plus the radius of the planet.
Code an orbit scene with a star center and a ringed planet.
#lang 3d-orbit
(define planet-with-ring
    #:rings-list (list (basic-ring))))
  #:star (basic-star
   #:planets-list (list planet-with-ring)))

4.5 Moon And Ring 5 Kata (difficulty = 3)

Tip: The default tilt for the basic ring is (0 0 0).
Code an orbit scene with a star center and a planet with two rings. Customize the color and opacity of one ring and the texture and tilt of the other ring.
#lang 3d-orbit
(define my-rings
    (basic-ring #:color 'red #:opacity 0.8)
     #:texture saturnring-tex
     #:tilt (tilt 90 0 90))))
  #:star (basic-star
   #:planets-list (list (basic-planet #:rings-list my-rings))))