On this page:
5.1 Space Objects 1 Kata (difficulty = 2)
5.2 Space Objects 2 Kata (difficulty = 3)
5.3 Space Objects 3 Kata (difficulty = 2)
5.4 Space Objects 4 Kata (difficulty = 2)
5.5 Space Objects 5 Kata (difficulty = 3)

5 Space Objects Katas

5.1 Space Objects 1 Kata (difficulty = 2)

Code an orbit scene with a star center. Add three asteroids and customize each.
#lang 3d-orbit
(define asteroids-list
    (basic-asteroid #:color 'red)
    (basic-asteroid #:opacity 0.7)
    (basic-asteroid #:label "Big Rock")))
  #:star (basic-star)
  #:objects-list asteroids-list)

5.2 Space Objects 2 Kata (difficulty = 3)

Tip: The default radius for the basic asteroid is a random number between 0.1 and 0.3 plus the radius of the planet.
Code an orbit scene with a star center and three orbiting asteroids. Customize each asteroid.
#lang 3d-orbit
(define asteroids-list
    (basic-asteroid #:texture mars-tex)
    (basic-asteroid #:radius 0.5)
     #:on-mouse-click (do-many (opacity 0)))))
  #:star (basic-star #:objects-list asteroids-list))

5.3 Space Objects 3 Kata (difficulty = 2)

Code an orbit scene with a star center and a planet. Give the planet three orbiting objects: a moon, an asteroid, and an astronaut.
#lang 3d-orbit
(define my-planet
    #:objects-list (list
  #:star (basic-star #:planets-list (list my-planet)))

5.4 Space Objects 4 Kata (difficulty = 2)

Tip: If you want to use scale-object with a celestial object make sure to pass it as a function; e.g. (basic-star).
Code an orbit scene with a star center and a planet. Give the planet a small satellite.
#lang 3d-orbit
(define my-planet
    #:objects-list (list (scale-object 0.5 satellite-1))))
  #:star (basic-star #:planets-list (list my-planet)))

5.5 Space Objects 5 Kata (difficulty = 3)

Code an orbit scene with a star center which has an orbiting planet, which has an orbiting moon, which has an orbiting flying saucer.
#lang 3d-orbit
(define my-moon
    #:objects-list (list flying-saucer-1)))
(define my-planet
   (basic-planet #:moons-list (list my-moon)))
  #:star (basic-star #:planets-list (list my-planet)))